Friday, May 16, 2008

Through the eyes of an 11 year old

My brother: confusing,frustrated,silly,skates, and anoying...but mostly confused and frustrated.

If you see him, you will imagine him as a healthy boy with friends who always has a smile on his face. True...but only when he is with friends, outside of our indoor world.
Whenever I can, I have talks with him. We talk about how mom and dad are always upset. Once I asked him what he would do if mom and dad divorced.
His response "I don't care." and went off with his friends.
It made me think about how my dad has been affecting my brother's life.
Whenever my brother wants to go out with my father, all my he would say is "no im too tired" "I have to be somewhere else" and most of that "being somewhere else" is the casino.
how sad...


Peg said...

oh ((((honey))))

I'm so sorry for you...and for your siblings.

You just left a comment on my blog...and that led me your story...

my heart aches for you.

I can tell you that...I did many things...many things that would lead one to believe that i 'chose' gambling over my family...but at that time..I really was not capable of making the choice not to gamble...I couldn't.

It's very difficult to explain how it takes a matter of fact, it's very difficult for US to understand, can we expect anyone else...especially....ESPECIALLY family members...who are being hurt by our behavior....ESPECIALLY...(((children)))..I'm so sorry hon.

You can write to me anytime you'd like.

Much love to you.

Tucker Irwin Peterson said...

a real person!
gogo sandra

Not having a parental figure for any reason can be devastating. But when it is for reasons seemingly by choice, as opposed to work or school, it is that much worse, at least from a kids perspective.

thegirl said...

I love how you decided to interview your little brother.
And I know that reaching out to family members is very hard because its not easy unfold them so easily and overall the situtation can be very akward.
but i do think that you should try this a one more time.
a friend of mine once told me that you must ask the "right" questions in order to one to open up to you.
what are the "right" questions?
i do not know...maybe you should try to asking your brother questions in such way that it is easier for him to talk about..and slowily as it goes ask him the big question or what you truly want to know, it could be sometimes hard to just pop the questions to him...especially since he is frusterated and confused. in the long this will help him take out every thing he has in him...but will also help you not feel so alone...and this might even help you guys get closer.

good luck.
: ))

Heather AppleJove Jun said...

Not only is this hard on you but it must be really hard for your brother to have to deal with it. I'm guessing he probably doesn't know how to except to ignore it. It's so nice that you try to conversations with him! It'd be really nice if both your parents and your brother got to see this blog. I think it might be helpful. I think it'll be easier for your parents to know how you really feel and bring you guys close together. This is truely amazing and hope you keep writing!